Three cities short-listed for European Youth Capital 2014
Brussels, 8th June 2011.Thessaloniki (Greece), Heraklion (Greece) and Ivanovo (Russia) have been selected among applications from cities all over Europe. These cities will now compete for the title of European Youth Capital 2014.
Brussels, 8th June 2011.Thessaloniki (Greece), Heraklion (Greece) and Ivanovo (Russia) have been selected among applications from cities all over Europe. These cities will now compete for the title of European Youth Capital 2014.
Καταπληκτικό! Άλλη μια απόδειξη του ότι όταν δουλεουμε συλλογικά, καταφέρνουμε να πετύχουμε στόχους. Είναι άλλος ο αέρας στην πόλη σήμερα, άλλη η μυρωδιά, πιο χαμογελαστά τα πρόσωπα... (ιδιαίτερα όλων αυτών που πρόσφεραν εθελοντικά!)